Page 4 - HCL Brochure EN
P. 4

Single-Element Lamps
Single-Element Lamps
The Heraeus catalogue includes 70 single-element lamps in standard 37 mm (1.5 inch) and 50 mm
(2 inch) diameters to fit almost any AA instrument. All cathode materials are selected from the highest purity available – usually 99.99 % or better – to ensure high spectral line intensity, stability and low noise with good analytical sensitivity. The window material is selected to achieve the optimum transmission of the primary spectral lines of the cathode element. Borosilicate glass is used for wavelengths over 350 nm, and high quality quartz for shorter wavelengths.
Standard 37 mm Lamps
37mm hollow cathode lamps are suitable for most commer- cial atomic absorption instruments. Standard lamps may also be used in computer controlled spectrophotometers which are designed to take coded lamps as these instru- ments normally have the facility to be set up manually. Manual setting up of lamp current, wavelength, slit width, gas conditions and burner height takes only a few moments and allows the operator to set the optimum conditions for each particular analysis, which can be stored and recalled when required. Indeed in many cases
the instrument will set default conditions for these parame- ters on entry of the element. Whilst these parameters are generally suitable for a particular element, they may need fine tuning to suit the specific analysis being carried out.
Standard 50 mm Lamps
Perkin Elmer Instruments are unique in requiring hollow cathode lamps with a 2” (50 mm) diameter, and a dedica- ted electrical connector. Heraeus has developed a full ran- ge of such lamps for direct use in Perkin Elmer instruments utilising the long established features of our standard range but making the necessary processing changes to ensure they are entirely compatible to these instruments.
Data Coded Hollow Cathode Lamps
Heraeus manufacture and supply a complete range of data coded hollow cathode lamps for Perkin Elmer and Thermo instruments.
37 mm Hollow Cathode Lamp

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